The implications of endomarketing in people management and organizational culture

a view from managers of an Itabira startup


  • João Vitor Dias Silva
  • Kevin Deleuze Azevedo Goulin
  • Marcelo Silva Ângelo Ferreira
  • Ângelo Garuzzi Cabral
  • Thiago de Carvalho Jacques
  • Tancredo Augusto Vieira


Organizational culture, Internal marketing, People management, Implications, Startup.


Internal marketing is an essential tool for motivation, sense of belonging, communication, and the creation of an organizational culture between the company and its employees, being able to be used in a way that potentially leverages human and financial resources. The purpose of this study was to identify the implications of internal marketing on people management and organizational culture from the perspective of managers of a startup based in Itabira/MG. This was a quantitative, descriptive study conducted through field research. The target population included a startup from Itabira and its managers, with a census sample of 17 respondents. Data collection was done through an online form, and the analysis was performed through descriptive statistics. It was observed that for the majority of the respondents, internal marketing plays a critical role in creating a strong organizational culture, leading to increased satisfaction, productivity, and sense of belonging among employees, thereby assisting in the organization's objectives.



How to Cite

Silva, J. V. D., Goulin, K. D. A., Ferreira, M. S. Ângelo, Cabral, Ângelo G., Jacques, T. de C., & Vieira, T. A. (2024). The implications of endomarketing in people management and organizational culture: a view from managers of an Itabira startup. LIBERTAS: Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 14(1). Retrieved from

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