
The legitimacy of the state in opposition to the patient's right to choose and the dignity of the human person


  • Dalbert Isaac Omedio da Silva
  • Roberta Salvático Vaz de Mello
  • Gustavo Henrique de Almeida


Euthanasia, Human dignity, Death


The central problem of this article is about the most important good within the legal system, which is life, analyzed from the perspective of dignity, together with the right to freedom that each individual has to dispose of their goods. Euthanasia is nothing more than the possibility of influencing the process of death, when there is no longer any chance of having a dignified existence. The problem involves variable questions, asking if a terminally ill patient should wait for natural death, not being able to dispose of his life, even in a state of full lucidity, for that, initial concepts will be presented that corroborate the understanding of the theme, analyzing the principles correlates, presented the fundamental rights of the individual related to the study, seeking at the end to conclude whether euthanasia is a dignified death or assisted suicide. The methodology used in the article will be hypothetical deductive, since such a research method presents us with a reliable parameter, and real positions on the subject, thus carrying out an analysis of the relevant legislation and the principles present in the Federal Constitution, always having the constitutional principle as a guide. of the Dignity of the Human Person.



How to Cite

Silva, D. I. O. da, Mello, R. S. V. de, & Almeida, G. H. de. (2022). Euthanasia: The legitimacy of the state in opposition to the patient’s right to choose and the dignity of the human person. LIBERTAS DIREITO, 3(2). Retrieved from