Quality of life at work

what is the impact of the physical activity program on the PAC company


  • Luiz Gustavo Abreu Nunes
  • Brenda Ester Neves Pereira
  • Diego De Jesus Queiroz Rosa


quality of life; physical activity program; human resources


This study aims to identify the improvements in the work environment where the Physical Activity Program (P.A.F) is applied, a partnership between the Human Resources and the employees of the PAC company with the objective of promoting Quality of Life at Work (QVT). For the development of this monograph, we conducted interviews with collaborators who were part of the project, in order to understand the importance of the application and development of this project in the company. The study was developed through bibliographic research of the administration area, raising the role of Human Resources in the organization to improve the quality of life of employees and the benefits of looking at issues in the corporate environment. In this case, QVT occurs through the performance of physical activities in the organization in question. This paper describes the steps of the implementation of the project in the company PAC, and analyzes the benefits that they provide both for the employees involved and for the organization that applies this project, which has relatively low costs, taking into consideration the return that the even produces for those involved. These activities can combat several occurrences such as: stress, sedentarism, among other factors that harms employees in the workplace and in the end point out strategies to decrease occurrences of these problems.



How to Cite

Nunes, L. G. A., Pereira, B. E. N., & Rosa, D. D. J. Q. (2023). Quality of life at work: what is the impact of the physical activity program on the PAC company. Intrépido: Iniciação Científica, 2(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.famig.edu.br/index.php/intrepido/article/view/477