Social reinsertion of prisoners

a complex and challenging process


  • Caio Luigi De Souza Batista
  • Angela Araújo Costa


prisoner rehabilitation, social reintegration, education, vocational training, medical and psychological assistance


This paper addresses the topic of prisoner rehabilitation, highlighting its meaning and importance in reintegrating individuals into society after serving their prison sentences. Rehabilitation aims to prepare prisoners to live healthily and constructively, respecting laws and social norms. The study emphasizes that prisoner rehabilitation goes beyond punishment and seeks to provide conditions for their regeneration and to prevent recidivism. To achieve this, measures such as education, vocational training, medical and psychological assistance, as well as programs promoting family and community reintegration are necessary. Education and vocational training are crucial aspects of prisoner rehabilitation, providing them with skills and competencies for reintegration into the job market. Additionally, access to adequate healthcare services and psychological support is essential in addressing prisoners' physical and mental health issues. However, the process of prisoner rehabilitation faces challenges, including inadequate investment and infrastructure in prison facilities, overcrowding, a lack of trained personnel, and prisoners' resistance to recovery.



How to Cite

Batista, C. L. D. S., & Costa, A. A. (2023). Social reinsertion of prisoners: a complex and challenging process. Intrépido: Iniciação Científica, 2(1). Retrieved from

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