The Treatment of Urban Solid Waste in the Light of the Cities Statutes


  • Bruno Galdino Jardim
  • Carlos Henrique Passos Mairink
  • Bernardo Henrique Maciel Fiorini


Statute of Cities, Solid and Urban Waste, Environmental Law


                The present study presents the following question as a research problem: taking into account the entire contemporary search for the emerging need for environmental preservation, what would be the best way to adapt the dynamics of solid and urban waste treatment in Brazil? As for the general objective, it seeks to find out about the most optimized way for the treatment of urban solid waste in Brazil. As methodological procedures, bibliographical and documental research are highlighted, using the deductive method. The first chapter seeks to present the historical evolution of environmental law, in addition to highlighting some of its outstanding principles. The second chapter addresses particularities in the Law of the Statute of Cities consistent with the meaning of this work. The third chapter is intended to present the measures used, in the Brazilian territory, for the treatment of these residues. Thus, it is concluded that, largely for cultural reasons, Brazilian society, in general, ends up dispersing from strict care for the environment, even moving away from knowledge regarding the indispensability of the search for knowledge regarding the environmental issue. And, therefore, it only remains for operators of Law and Public Service to encourage the practice of mechanisms that aim to preserve the environment, so that such values, finally, are present in the legislation.



How to Cite

Jardim, B. G., Mairink, C. H. P. ., & Fiorini, B. H. M. (2022). The Treatment of Urban Solid Waste in the Light of the Cities Statutes. LIBERTAS DIREITO, 3(2). Retrieved from