Family entity

an evolution to the current times: polyamor and its legal consequences


  • Valeska de Campos Esteves
  • Roberta Salvático Vaz de Mello
  • Bernardo Vassalle de Castro


Polyamory, Jurisprudence, Family Law, Civil Procedure, Family Entity


This article aims to clarify the importance of creating laws to regulate polyamory, which is a new concept of family that has emerged and gained space in our society. Over the years, the world has undergone several changes in the family concept. The family considered patriarchal, where the man was the family provider, has been shaped and new family concepts have emerged, among them, the family concept of polyamory. Although polygamy is a historical reality in several other countries, the population in Brazil still sees this practice fraught with prejudice and discrimination. Global social modernization, with a guiding ideology, calls polyamory immoral in the eyes of good morals. It will be demonstrated through bibliographic research, how family entities have been changing over the years, as well as how the Brazilian legal system has positioned itself in the face of these situations and what is the position of those who support the new Brazilian family entities.



How to Cite

Esteves, V. de C., Mello, R. S. V. de, & Castro, B. V. de. (2022). Family entity: an evolution to the current times: polyamor and its legal consequences. LIBERTAS DIREITO, 3(2). Retrieved from