Multispecies family

the protection of pets in cases of dissolution of the marital bond


  • Juliana Soares de Oliveira
  • Roberta Salvático Vaz de Mello
  • Michele Faria de Sousa


Multispecies Family, Family right, guardianship, Guard, Pets


This work aims to understand, through jurisprudential sources and bibliographical, the new family arrangement that appears in Brazil. As well as presenting, especially in cases of dissolution of the marital bond, the legal and social effects of the multispecies family and the possibility of applying the institutes of family law. For this purpose, we sought to understand the multispecies family as a historical, cultural, social and legal phenomenon. This was done from the provision of article 226 of the Federal Constitution, existing behavioral studies, doctrinal and jurisprudential understandings, as well as Brazilian legislation and the gaps in it. The problem resulting from the omission of the Legislative Power, which did not elaborate legislation that specifically deals with the subject, was brought to the discussion. The deductive method was used in theoretical and qualitative research, through bibliographic material contained in books - mainly in the works of Dias (2010), Gonçalves (2014) and Lôbo (2012), journal articles, course conclusion works, doctoral theses and current legislation.



How to Cite

Oliveira, J. S. de, Mello, R. S. V. de, & Sousa, M. F. de. (2022). Multispecies family: the protection of pets in cases of dissolution of the marital bond. LIBERTAS DIREITO, 3(2). Retrieved from