The purpose of the precautionary neighborhood inspection is based on the premise of ensuring the contractor and the contractor, in order to verify the current physical conditions of the property where the precautionary inspection work will be carried out, and the neighborhood, which is important for both parties, and this work is It is quite common to be hired by construction companies, or even in cases of renovations to houses and buildings, protecting yourself from future liability with the neighborhood, which may question any damage to your property after carrying out such work. Therefore, its purpose is also to provide apparent technical information that can assist in defining construction procedures and carrying out preliminary services for the work (IBAPE, 2012). The subject is addressed by ABNT in NBR12722/1992 (ABNT, 1992) – “Discrimination of technical engineering services”, thus presenting the services necessary for the construction of buildings that can be divided into four phases: preliminary studies, designs, construction and receipt of the building. Therefore, in this regard, the study of this standard refers to verifying how the precautionary neighborhood inspection is approached.