Wood frame construction system in Brazil


  • Daniel Almeida Barbosa


Surveying, Road Works, Sustainability, Topography


The theme of this work was the importance of surveying in road infrastructure works. Through a bibliographical review, we sought to identify the responsibilities of Surveying Engineering so that environmental legislation is met in the execution of road works. To this end, a narrative literature review was used, in books, scientific articles and legal texts. Road works represent a set of initiatives necessary for economic and social progress. However, these works have significant environmental impacts. Changes in drainage patterns can, among other things, result in soil erosion, flooding and sedimentation of water bodies, causing damage to local ecosystems. Faced with this reality, deforestation and loss of biodiversity begin to represent direct consequences, with forest areas being damaged to open passage for new roads, bringing threats to habitats and species. Roads, in fact, are sources of air and water pollution, from their construction to operation, releasing gases and particles that damage the environment. Environmental laws regulate the construction of roads in Brazil, including environmental licensing, which is responsible for evaluating and establishing the measures used to minimize negative impacts. Surveying Engineering plays an essential role in the construction of sustainable roads, through the design of drainage systems to minimize environmental impacts and the use of techniques such as topographic surveying. Topography highlights its relevance in this process, incorporating methods for collecting three-dimensional data from the earth's surface, being fundamental for services such as planialtimetric survey. Surveying Engineering even uses photogrammetry and Geoprocessing for various purposes, such as Land Regularization and Judicial Expertise.



How to Cite

Almeida Barbosa , D. . (2024). Wood frame construction system in Brazil. PARAMÉTRICA, 16(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.famig.edu.br/index.php/parametrica/article/view/569