
  • Humberto Braz Rodrigues
  • Diego Jesus Queiroz Rosa


Artificial intelligence, Geoprocessing, Big Data


Carrying out urban planning for a municipality is very complex, as it requires the analysis of various data and factors that involve all residents in the context of that city and its surroundings. The disorderly growth of a city, without efficient urban planning, contributes to the generation of many problems, which will require corrective actions by the public administration, which will only be to try to mitigate the problem, and not an effective action to definitively solve the problem presented, because most of the time, a definitive solution becomes unfeasible, and the situation ends up perpetuating itself, generating constant problems for the community and for the public administration. One of the major problems in carrying out good urban planning and monitoring is the lack of information with broader and more accurate data. In order to obtain this information (data), such as from the secretariats, departments and agencies of a city hall, for example, the problem is that most of the time this data is decentralized and fragmented, and when this information (data) is centralized, there is not enough technology to allow for integrated analyses of all this data. In addition, municipalities do not have geoprocessing with aerial photogrammetry data, geographic information systems and remote sensing. This work proposes a platform model that uses Geoprocessing, Big Data and AI (artificial intelligence) techniques, integrated with data from the various areas of the city hall and the implementation of a single georeferenced protocol. The aim is to provide public administrators with a platform that provides integrated data through reports, trend analyses, scenario forecasts and diagnostics, so that they can carry out more efficient urban planning. And, with this urban planning in hand, they can present proposals to solve the demands, and also to serve as continuous monitoring of the planned in relation to the dynamics of the city and its citizens, to predict trends, simulate scenarios and propose changes and corrections to the plan drawn up, with improvements.



How to Cite

Braz Rodrigues, H. ., & Jesus Queiroz Rosa, D. . (2024). USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) AND GEOPROCESSING FOR URBAN PLANNING . PARAMÉTRICA, 16(2). Retrieved from