
  • Eveline Santos
  • Ricardo Antônio da Silva Rodrigues
  • Rejane Izabel Lima Corrêa


Georeferencing, Step by step, Laws and rules


This work aims to analyze the importance of Rural Real Estate Georeferencing and its certification and provide knowledge and understanding about what it is and what it serves, detailing what are its requirements according to the laws that the regime and its peculiarities.  For this, a bibliographic review and analysis of case studies has been carried out, as well as research aimed at better understanding them, both by the professionals responsible for the execution, and by lay people and landowners, who have the obligation to carry it out in their properties, involving various rules and a specific step-by-step to be implemented correctly.  With this in mind, there was great interest and incentive for the conduct of this research, because with it it is possible to deepen the subject, as well as to understand all its steps and norms that must be followed, from the beginning of the research to its completion.  It is a complex process and involves numerous factors to ensure that it is executed in the best possible way.  This study seeks to provide a more comprehensive view of the steps that involve it, being a useful tool for all involved in any process, a research disseminates knowledge and a correct practice of georeferencing, ensuring that all standards and requirements are strictly complied with, from a data collection in the field to a final certification by the competent bodies.  Compliance with these measures was considered essential to ensure legality and compliance with its technical standards, contributing to the regulation of land and the legal certainty of rural property.  In addition, geo-reference is crucial to ensuring land regularization, thus avoiding possible future problems, such as boundary conflicts between properties, facilitation of territorial management and rural planning.  It is therefore concluded that geo-reference contributes significantly to territorial management and sustainable rural development.




How to Cite

Santos , E., Antônio da Silva Rodrigues , R. ., & Izabel Lima Corrêa , R. . (2024). The IMPORTANCE OF GEOREFERENCING RURAL PROPERTIES AND THEIR CERTIFICATION. PARAMÉTRICA, 16(1). Retrieved from