Proposal for the execution of a georeferencing from A to Z in a rural property
Surveying Engineering, Rural property georeferencing, Precision equipmentAbstract
This Research Project discusses the need for academics in Surveying Engineering areas to know not only the theory taught in the classroom, but also how to apply and operate an instrument that performs measurements in georeferencing areas of a rural property. This study was carried out in the field, along the lines of a Technical Visit that was carried out at the company Ageotop Engenharia (ANNEX A), on August 25, 2022, where the students got to know an activity that performs services in rural georeferencing areas, had contact with a type of equipment for collecting data and information on georeferencing, they learned about the services that can be provided in the mentioned area, collected information, via interviews and direct observation to prepare an Action Plan along the lines of a proposal to improve teaching in georeferencing areas. To support the study, theoretical concepts about what are the recommended technical standards on the subject, how to price a georeferencing service, what are the final files that must be delivered to the certifying body, and what are the steps to register the services georeferencing in the respective registry office were searched in books and on websites/websites that discuss rural property georeferencing. The results showed that it is possible to obtain a higher and better level of knowledge if the students have the opportunity to go to the field to, among other opportunities, have contact with precision equipment, involved in areas of the Georeferencing of Rural Property.