Basic sanitation

its relationship with the environment and public health


  • Gedeão Rodrigues Costa
  • Marcílio Helvécio da Silva
  • Rejane Izabel Lima Corrêa
  • Eduardo Barreto Ribas


Basic sanitation, Sewerage system, Water treatment


The primordial need for sanitation, sewage network, its treatment, importance, history, modernization and evolution, have always been a great social concern, and in contrast, their lack has always been related to the transmission of diseases and other ailments. Also that it is necessary to keep the environment balanced, in a healthy state, with conditions favorable to health and well-being and in harmony, a precursor of life, and as the disposal of this waste from untreated sewage into the environment is disastrous, it generates unhealthy impacts, causing the scarcity of natural resources, and nature is essential for a healthy life. In this work, we seek to show, through bibliographic research, the close relationship between basic sanitation, the environment and public health in Brazil, with the objective of practicing sanitation and works in treatment networks. Not forgetting, too, to report the current historical panorama and trends for the future. It is also intended to show the importance of sanitation for human health, the negative impact of the disposal of untreated sewage on the environment and society and the need in terms of sanitation, both public, domestic and private. It will demonstrate the impacts caused by the lack of sanitation such as diseases, and with a functional and financially viable project, to supply the very needy demand for basic sanitation, which is a fundamental factor, but not the only one, for the improvement of the population's living conditions.



How to Cite

Costa, G. R., Silva, M. H. da, Corrêa , R. I. L., & Ribas, E. B. (2022). Basic sanitation: its relationship with the environment and public health. PARAMÉTRICA, 14(1). Retrieved from