Oral rehabilitation with implants in diabetic patients

literature review


  • Gabriela Teleste Evaristo de Sousa
  • Guilherme Trindade de Magalhães
  • Lauren Kettelin de Oliveira Gomes Mota
  • Sofia Araújo Campos
  • Rafael Lucas Carneiro Costa
  • Vítor Francesconi Rodrigues Newton Paiva


Implante dental, Osseointegração, Diabetes


In contemporary times, implant dentistry is one of the prosthetic solutions that has the highest success rate when it comes to oral rehabilitation of patients who have lost one or more teeth due to various factors. Generally composed of a titanium metal alloy that is integrated into the bone; its success depends on several factors. Among these factors, those that can have negative effects on Osseointegration, which is the process by which the implant firmly bonds to the adjacent bone, stand out. Among the conditions and habits that can affect Osseointegration, diabetes stands out, a disease that affects more than 13 million people in Brazil. The present study aims to carry out a review of the literature that addresses the relationship between Diabetes Mellitus and Osseointegration in dental implants. The specific objectives of the study are: a) Analyze the impacts of Diabetes on the treatment of patients who have implants, b) Identify the drugs that have been recommended to deal with dental implants in patients with Diabetes. To assemble the bibliographic material, we will use the digital platforms PubMed, Google Scholar, VHL (Virtual Health Library), and Scielo. Publications carried out in the last five years will be considered: 2019 and 2023, in order to focus the review on recent data. By carrying out this study, we hope to know what extent and in what way academic  literature  has  addressed  the  topic  of  the r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n D i a b e t e s M e l l i t u s  a n d Osseointegration.

